Sunday, December 5, 2010

NEW pics around 7 months old

Tenley's first real TUBbath! She loves it and brothers can't resist helping!
(7 Months)

Our "Godsend" Babysitter Jayne! We couldn't be happier!
We truly love her!

Tenley reading books and sitting up like a pro
7 months old!

Big brother Jett manages to read to her while she really just wants to eat the book!

Eating cereal, veggies and fruit like a pro! 6.5 months!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

August,,, Almost 4 months old

WOW, she's growing up way too fast! I can't believe my baby doesn't even seem like a little baby anymore! She's so happy and easy going all the time! Well, 99% of time anyway! We all are falling more and more in love with her everyday, even though I don't know how it could be possible to love her anymore! We are just so blessed to have her! I remember this time last year we had just found out we were expecting! What a beautiful and precious gift we praise God for everyday!

here are a few high lights from August!

Tenley and her friend, Eden Mills

Tenley in her outfit from Evonna Schelling, Eden's grandma (who is missed greatly!)

Happy smiley girl at the fish hatchery!

Camping at Iron Creek Lake, hanging out with dad

Bundled in Pink for camping! (and no, I wasn't sqeezing her!)

July pictures of Tenley 3+ months old

Jett LOVES his baby sister!
Tenley's brother's think she's pretty cool in the pool!

Our precious bathing beauty!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

She's ONE month old

One month appointment went great. Dr. C said she's doing awesome and is growing so well that she looks like a 2 month old! She is up to 11lbs and 21 inches long! That puts her in the
90th%tile for weight and 75th%tile for weight and head size. So, YEAH, our girl is a healthy lil chunkie monkey! --- I told my 3 boys we will have to quit calling her chunky and all the other synonyms for "fat" before she starts talking! Don't want her to get a complex!

We are just so in love and happier than ever with our baby girl! :) oh and I will whisper this,,, but she is sleeping great at night,,, 5-6 hours the first stretch of nighttime sleep!


THANK YOU GOD for my family!

I can't believe how cute my daughter is... I love to just sit and stare at her! Oh, THANK YOU GOD for a beautiful baby girl to complete our family! and of coarse, THANK YOU GOD, for my wonderful boys who challenge me to grow and be a better person everyday!
What amazing love I have with my wonderful family. I pray I never take any of my kids or family members for granted! Each day with them is a precious gift from above!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

She's almost 4 weeks

WOW, how time flies, especially when I didn't even post her birth story until yesterday!

Just wanted to share a few pictures and say that my baby girl is so wonderful! We all are SSSSOOOO in LOVE with her! Yes, she fusses and gets crabby from time to time. Yep, she's a typical baby, and so worth it! I just can't believe how much love and joy she has brought to our family!

The boys think their sissy is so kissable. They will surely be protecting her every chance they get! Daddy is still in awe of his beautiful baby girl! They are so adorable to watch as he kisses on her, snuggling her tight! He is getting better at changing diapers and changing her cloths!

Tenley is growing like a weed, seriously her cheeks have chubbed out and she looks so healthy! She eats all the time so that only makes sense that she is getting so big so fast. I am eager to see how much she weighs at her 1 month Dr. appt on Thurs (May 20th)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

SHE'S HERE,,, Tenley's birth story


Tenley Hope Neuharth's birth story
told by Mommy,,, aka Stacey

The day before my due date: Monday April 19th- Cory and Stacey's 2nd wedding anniversary.

I went to work, everyone was surprised to see me. At the end of the day I told my aid/sub, "K, see ya tomorrow!" Which she reminded me that was the first time I didn't say I might be there the next day! She thought I was trying to trick myself but honestly I was just feeling like I might be pregnant for another week or two so I really figured I would be there!

The boys went to a friends/neighbors and Cory and I went out to supper,,, Guadalaharas!!! I tried to order something NOT too spicy! It was good but honestly by Tuesday afternoon I was regretting it! (But I will spare you those details!)

Anyway, I walked home from the neighbors, while Cory picked the boys up. I was trying to get things going,,, but no contractions all night. I slept good and,,,


I woke up feeling pretty good, ready to go work! Well, that is until I thought I peed my pants. Actually my water broke so I called Cory and yelled at the boys to get in the car! We got the boys dropped off at school and got to the hospital by 7:30am. I was only dilated to a 2,,, which is what I had been for several weeks! I was having some contractions on my own but they weren't any worse than what I had been having for two weeks! The Dr finished breaking my water because she thought that might get my contractions going but after lots of waiting, walking and bouncing on the ball,,, contractions almost stopped! By 11:30 am I was getting frustrated, hungry and grouchy! I was so upset that I didn't go into the next stage of labor on my own like I did with the boys. I kept say, "This isn't how it is supposed to go!"

At little after noon, the Dr. came back, checked me again, confirmed I had not made any progress on my own so they started Pitocin.

I held out for my epidural and in fact, waited TOO LONG! That, I would say was the worst, by the time the epidural lady got there I was not a happy camper! The pitocin contractions were BAD and I had about five while she was administering the epidural, which really sucked! Then I started to progress so fast that the epidural didn't really have time to work! After 30 minutes of getting the epidural I was complete and given the okay to start pushing. I started "real" pushing at 4:30 and our baby GIRL was born at 5:07pm with the cord tight around her neck! The Dr. had to cut the cord off of her neck and then as soon as she knew, she yelled, "It's a girl!" I couldn't believe it,, I kept saying, "NO WAY, really???" I was very happy and so was daddy! Aunt Resann, who was happy for a niece, got to be in the delivery room the whole time, she even helped hold a leg!

Our baby girl came out just perfect,,, 7lbs 0.9oz and they stretched her out to 20 inches!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Are we done yet??? 40 weeks here we come!

AHHH, only about 3 days until our due date! Today is Saturday the 17th and my due date is Tuesday the 20th~ I can't imagine this baby going past the due date. Jett was born ON HIS due date and Oakley was 10 days early so I am actually surprised it has stayed in this long, specially with all the braxton hix and contractions I've been having the past 3 weeks!

So, here's the latest: Last 39 week Dr. appt was Tuesday the 13th. Baby's heartbeat was in the low 150's/high 140's. It is still head down, in the right position, which is great news! The sad news is after 2 weeks I was STILL only dilated to a 2~ She attempted to strip my membranes and that result was VERY uncomfortable! My blood pressure was a bit high. The Doc was going to keep me for observation but after rechecking it, it went down enough she let me go... THANK GOODNESS!

I made it through the rest of the week with hardly any braxton hicks and really just feel pretty darn good! I can't believe I was complaining about my back NOT hurting... I guess I just figure it's got to hurt to get this baby here! I felt so good Thursday that I was caught by a co-worker skipping,,, YES, skipping down the hall! Then after work I went to the Rec center,,, walked a FAST mile, and did 20 easy minutes on the elliptical and felt GREAT!!!! So, early Friday morning (*3am) I had lots of contractions but they never got strong enough to go to the hospital! They of coarse, went away when I got up and started getting ready for work! :) So, Friday turned out to be a pretty good day ending in two walks,,, totally 2.5 miles! I had a few more contractions that evening but only while laying down~ after I went for that second walk all contractions went away so I went to bed and slept pretty good/contraction free, all night!

Today, Saturday, I had some "signs" things are finally progressing on the thinning of the cervix! I had quite a bit of back pain today and the worst part of the day was my emotions were a bit outta control! I guess the hormone surge is a little high right now! That and I will admit, I am getting a bit anxious and ready to have my baby in my arms... oh and did I mention, I DON'T want to have to go back to work on Monday!!!!

Monday the 19th is our second wedding anniversary! I wonder what we will be doing!!?!? Taking care of our new baby, going out to supper- while praying for our baby to come or HAVING the baby???

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Week 38...


Week 38 or I should I say approaching week 38 in two days and no signs of baby other than I have "practice" contractions every early morning from 2-4am. They hurt and are so annoying that I can't sleep through them but they aren't the "real" thing yet! I could wait, and would really like to wait another week but the wait would be so much nicer if I weren't in pain most of the time! With the "contractions" and braxton hicks, back pain and just general "icky" feeling I'm getting tired! But I will wait,,,



So, 38weeks and the Dr. appt was very uneventful~ I said NO THANK YOU to being checked this week! We didn't get to hear the babies heartbeat much because it was moving around so much! What little I did hear sounded "fast." I actually forgot to pee in the cup~ and that was no big deal I guess because they didn't make me try again! Anyway, all was good at this check up. The Dr. said I should take some Tylenol PM and try to sleep through those crazy pre-labor contractions and just be glad they are "getting me ready" whoohoo!~ Embrace the pain!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

week 37 and gearing up for Easter

My 37 week appt was "just another appt." I had the "always in a hurry Dr" so I don't know much about the details but everything is fine. She checked me and said I am "maybe" dilated to a 2. That really doesn't mean anything since I know I can walk around dilated for weeks!

As I reflect back there have been so many differences from this pregnancy to the boys. So, one big NEW difference includes the false labor Monday night after I had a rough day of feeling awful!! I never had that with the boys.... once I started timeable, measurable contractions I was in real labor and delivered a baby boy (with both boys). So when these contractions came on with this lil' one Monday night I got a bit nervous! Although this was obviously false labor because they were so speratic and some were pretty strong, while others were not! 2 mins,,,, 7 mins,,,, 4 mins,,,, 9 mins,,,, Cory was a trooper staying up with me from 2 to 4:30am. I was very glad when God answered my prayer to make them go away!! :) Then I slept great until the alarm went off!

Tuesday I felt okay but just tired!

What an amazing turn around today though! I've really felt good all day. My back hasn't even hurt much! I will admit, I have NOT worked out this week or been walking much to try to lay low and keep this baby in for another week but feeling good right now is important!~
I keep praying I can deal with these last few weeks of aches and pains, stress and crazy contractions!

NOW, can I make it through Easter!? I sure hope so! We have dinner plans with our neighbors. I plan to have some baked chicken and the boys favorite fruit fluff salad, partake in some egg dying and of coarse some egg finding!!! ~
We are so thankful to our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has risen, and that we live where we can freely celebrate His resurection!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week 36 update

things are happening... yes I know,, they can "happen" for four more weeks! Right Jett?!?! So, you ask, what's happening? CHANGES in this mama's body! First, the baby is dropping! It is cork-screwing its head DOWN while at the same time pushing off the "side wall" preparing for the grand entry. My back has been hurting quite a bit and I feel "crampy" often. Oddly, my breasts have been tender this week and I actually had some contractions on Friday night! HUM!!!
So it was good to go to the Dr. today and get the news that I was only dilated to a one (if that) and not looking like anything is going to happen "too early". News from the Dr. was all good! My blood pressure was fine. Baby's heart rate was 145,,, "she" must have been sleeping! I measured 37 weeks which is totally normal!
So, I say this was good news at the Dr. because I DO NOT want to have this baby in March! I am sure I will make it to April but I guess you never know!
Just for the record,,, Jett was born ON HIS DUE DATE and Oakley was 10 days early! So, if I had to guess I would say I will have this baby the week of April 12th! (SWEET,,, I'll miss the DSTEP at work,,, I'm okay with that!)

Now, I am going to go to bed and as I drift off in to (weird) dreamland I will be praying for a GREAT epidural when the time comes!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Almost 34 weeks


Well, I still have a stuffy head and nose but I feel a LOT better! In fact, I felt really good this week. My back barely hurts and my other aches and pains have been totally bearable. I even made it to the Rec Gym THREE, yes, 3 days this week! I can do the elliptical for about 20 minutes, easy level 1 but I do push myself with a little speed. Then, I lifted some weights- arms and chest and did a few leg extensions on the cybex machine. It felt good to still be able to workout! Or should I say, to be "back in the gym" after 2+ weeks off!

I have my 34 week Dr. appt Tuesday the 9th,,, and then a 5 days weekend for Springbreak! I have no idea what I am going to do with my time off! Right now I am feeling like the word "lazy" is coming to mind but I am hopeful to do something FUN! Maybe I will go to Gillette to see my friends that NEVER come see me! :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

32 weeks and sick mama

So, long story short, I am sick... with a nasty head cold since last Thursday! My head has been so stuffed I can only breath through my mouth and now my throat is scratchy. I am feeling like it is trying to run its course but hoping that it doesn't go to my chest with a cough! Anyway, I am just praying I get better and don't have to get worse first!

I went to my 32 week Dr. appt yesterday! All was good! No sign of the bladder infection anymore, my blood pressure was still low, I measured 33 weeks and she's not concerned about my BIG weight gain! The baby's heart rate was upper 150's (which really sounds like a girl to me!) The boys were NEVER that high this late in the game! They were in the 130's the last two months of my pregnancy, so could this be a girl!? Only time will tell!

We are getting more and more excited to meet this little "Rolly Polly Baby" who wiggles and moves all the time!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

BOY or GIRL???

Penis or no Penis, is the question? Seriously, that is what I will be looking for the moment of delivery! I'm still coming to grips with the fact that either way, boy or girl, I've forced our whole family to endure this wait for the biggest surprise ever! This is huge! The closer it gets the harder it is to wait, to find out if my boys get a "Lil' Sis" or "Another-Brotha." My poor husband has been frustrated since that cold Friday back in November when we left our (only) ultrasound not knowing the sex of our baby! (I will admit, this is my fault, I demanded we would not find out!) I said we should just be happy to leave knowing our baby looked healthy! However, I can see how he is frustrated. There have been a few times it sure would have been convenient to know! For example, I bought two, yes two "take home from the Hospital blankets! " A pretty in pink and a beautiful blue, both with silky edges and a soft fuzzy lining! I've cut the tags off of both,,, and will be washing them both, with several pink and blue outfits, in just a few short weeks! So, what do we do with all the "Wrong" color!?!? Who knows! We might have to use the wrong color while at home the first week,,, or our other option is, just do more laundry to keep this baby in the "right color." THANKS to my friend Jenni who had triplet boys we have quite a few blue onsies and outfits for the 0-3 month size. I guess if it is a girl she can just pose as a tomboy or a cross dresser!?!?!

So, what does everyone think??? Lots of little people say "GIRL!" Jett and Oakley say girl but I think that is just because they want a girl so bad! Cory started out saying boy but has now started to shift to thoughts of a girl! I wish I would have a strong feeling either way but I don't think I can "let myself" get too excited about a girl because then what would I do if it turned out to be a boy! I guess I really think it is a boy just because that's the "luck" and plus, I know boys! I don't know what I would do with a girl other than spend WAY too much money on her outfits and SHOES,,, yeah, this mom doesn't have too many shoes but my daughter sure could! And, don't you think "she" would be too overly spoiled as the only grand-daughter on my side with two big brothers to take care of her! She'd have it made! Now, if adding another boy to the pile of boys we already have, I think we should probably name him "Tuff" so maybe he has a fighting chance of survival among the wild crew of boys! I think Oakley is coming to terms that he may not get his girl! He has now added an amendment to his normal bedtime prayer. He starts out saying, "Dear God, please make the baby be a girl and come out healthy." and now he adds to that, "And God, if you give us a boy we will still love it and be happy with a boy." Jett on the other hand, doesn't seem willing to take anything other than a girl! I, like Oakley, am also coming to terms with the fact that God knows best!

With all that talk of "luck of the draw" aside! I will say, this pregnancy has been very different than carrying the boys, in many ways! As with the boys, I never actually threw up, but this third pregnancy did have a lot more morning SICKness!!! The next two differences to be noticed were the bad acne and breast achyness and pain! I hardly had these two pregnancy symptoms with the boys,,, at least not worth mentioning but I sure did this time!! There has been a few other things but the biggest difference is how the baby moves inside of me. The boys were both very quiet and usually very still until they wanted to be noticed they would KICK or PUNCH very hard! I also felt the boys move pretty early (Jett just before the 17th week and Oakley around 14 weeks) However, I don't feel like I noticed movement until much later with this little one (18-20 weeks). The craziest thing is this baby is not a kicker or puncher more of a wiggler and a thumper! I honestly don't remember the boys rolling a "foot"all the way across the top of my belly or the "pushing." I can literally feel something come slowly pushing out of my side and I can just push it back where it belongs. We almost get into a pushing match! This baby also pushes off of the counter if I am too close for comfort! I do not have any recollection of the boys doing this!
With all these differences being noted I am wise enough to know it could still be a boy,,, just a different kind of boy I guess!
Won't it be an exciting moment when we find the answer to our long awaited surprise!!! Boy or girl, I love "it" and can't wait to meet "it"!!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

30 week Dr. appt~

All was good!
Babies heartbeat was in the 14o's then went up to 150's. I forgot to ask what I measured but no worries,,, I can ask in two weeks when I have to go back, AGAIN!!!! I got enough weight gain- and then some, had blood in my urine and I was told I need to get a supportive pregnancy belt to hold up my (saggy) belly so I can try to keep walking/exercising! (Doubt I will actually get one of those,,, or even wear it if I did get one!)
She must have caught my bladder infection really early because I assured her I didn't have any symptoms. However, the symptoms have already started, so guess I better call her tomorrow! Ah the joys, but it's all worth it! I already love my "Wiggle Butt Baby" so much!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

PIctures by Tina at 30 weeks

I am quite pleased with these pictures! This is just a sneak peek, I am sure! ENJOY!

My over-active baby must not need a nap!

Ah geez, I am tired! Last night I slept great from 9:30 to 1am. However, at one o'clock I was awakened by a small little being inside of me acting as if it were frantic to get out, or it was practicing line-dancing, not sure which! The movement, almost constant, consisted of shaking, flutters, bumps, rolls and thumps all at the same time. It was really in there freaking out and just would not stop. I did notice it was worse on my right side but I still felt it all night on my left. Now, this was quite amusing for the first half hour or so but not so fun after 4 hours straight! Yes, you heard me, 4 hours! I am not kidding this baby's got stamina! I finally hung out on the couch from 2:30 to 4:30 am, trying to pass the awake time. I fell back asleep in my bed around 5, only to be aroused by Miss Antsy Pants several times before I finally just got up at 7am!
Now, here's the real amazing thing,,, somehow this baby had the energy to be VERY active all day! and now, as I type this at 1pm the following night I am once again bombarded by excessive movement! What's up with the child and what are we in for when it is born!??

I know it just wasn't too many weeks ago I was complaining about not feeling enough kicks and movements, but this is really insane! Honestly, it even makes me a little nauseous for some reason! And... I do NOT remember the boys doing this to me! (I'm pretty sure I would remember this!!!) I even got worried there could be some medical issue causing it so I called my OB nurse friend. She said a bigger worry would be if I didn't feel the baby at all! But, she suggested I go to the hospital to get monitored if I continued to feel worried! Since I thought that sounded silly I decided to stop worrying!
I normally love feeling the baby and I try to cherish every movement, but I just hope I can sleep tonight!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Starting the 3rd Trimester (28 weeks)

Well, here comes the end, only three months left! Less than three months now!

A few days this week I have actually thought, there is no way my body and I are going to make it 3 months! I am feeling really big and "losing myself in this big ol' belly!" This baby is so low I feel a lot of pressure and achyness very low, not to mention lots of bladder poking! Today I had a pretty good day that made me feel like- sure I can hold out for 3 more months but who knows what tomorrow will bring. Okay, all the complaints aside, I am really getting excited for this "real baby." The boys are too! All three of them have been feeling lots of movements! The little boys and I enjoy watching my belly roll and bump and move as the baby moves. Jett keeps saying, "Yep, there's definitely something alive in there!"

Cory is feeling excited about getting ready but yet I still think he is in for a small shock when the baby comes and time is running out to get ready. I guess, the non-reader that he is, there just isn't much he can do to prepare. He will just have to go through "shock therapy" when the baby comes! He did however, come home from a work trip to MT with 2 newborn outfits, a cute hoodie towel and some receiving blankets! What a thoughtful daddy!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

WEEK 26- 6th month Dr. Appt

Last Thursday I had my 6 month Dr. appt with my preferred Dr. I also had to the drink the Glucose drink, for the Gestational diabetes test, wait an hour and get my blood drawn. While waiting for the hour to expire I went to the Dr's appointment. The heartbeat was high 150's, which I was happy about because higher numbers tend to be a girl, but it could have just been high on the sugar I just drank! I was NOT lacking in the weight gain department this month but Doc said that I was average compared to all the other pregnant girls she weighed that same day! Guess we all ate well over the Holidays,,, mine must have been that Fudge from Aunt Christi!!!! (yeah, it was good!)
Anyway, after sharing with the Dr. that my heart is still "freaking out" skipping beats and thumping loudly even when I feel totally calm, she decided to do some extra blood work. I was actually grateful she didn't freak out and want to run $5000 worth of tests! Guess it was a good call on her part because I found out the next day I was pretty low on Potassium. I was already taking one Potassium a day, but have upped it and feel a little better now!
And more good news, I passed the Gestational diabetes test so no need for more torture. Well, at least not torture in the area of 'consuming sugary drinks that give you a headache and the shakes.'

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A lil' more professional (25 weeks)

Look what my friend Tina did for me,,, and this was just playing around! We will get together again soon for a "real photo shoot" with daddy and the two big brothers!

AHHHH, I just love this baby SSSOOOOO much already!!!