Wednesday, March 31, 2010

week 37 and gearing up for Easter

My 37 week appt was "just another appt." I had the "always in a hurry Dr" so I don't know much about the details but everything is fine. She checked me and said I am "maybe" dilated to a 2. That really doesn't mean anything since I know I can walk around dilated for weeks!

As I reflect back there have been so many differences from this pregnancy to the boys. So, one big NEW difference includes the false labor Monday night after I had a rough day of feeling awful!! I never had that with the boys.... once I started timeable, measurable contractions I was in real labor and delivered a baby boy (with both boys). So when these contractions came on with this lil' one Monday night I got a bit nervous! Although this was obviously false labor because they were so speratic and some were pretty strong, while others were not! 2 mins,,,, 7 mins,,,, 4 mins,,,, 9 mins,,,, Cory was a trooper staying up with me from 2 to 4:30am. I was very glad when God answered my prayer to make them go away!! :) Then I slept great until the alarm went off!

Tuesday I felt okay but just tired!

What an amazing turn around today though! I've really felt good all day. My back hasn't even hurt much! I will admit, I have NOT worked out this week or been walking much to try to lay low and keep this baby in for another week but feeling good right now is important!~
I keep praying I can deal with these last few weeks of aches and pains, stress and crazy contractions!

NOW, can I make it through Easter!? I sure hope so! We have dinner plans with our neighbors. I plan to have some baked chicken and the boys favorite fruit fluff salad, partake in some egg dying and of coarse some egg finding!!! ~
We are so thankful to our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has risen, and that we live where we can freely celebrate His resurection!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week 36 update

things are happening... yes I know,, they can "happen" for four more weeks! Right Jett?!?! So, you ask, what's happening? CHANGES in this mama's body! First, the baby is dropping! It is cork-screwing its head DOWN while at the same time pushing off the "side wall" preparing for the grand entry. My back has been hurting quite a bit and I feel "crampy" often. Oddly, my breasts have been tender this week and I actually had some contractions on Friday night! HUM!!!
So it was good to go to the Dr. today and get the news that I was only dilated to a one (if that) and not looking like anything is going to happen "too early". News from the Dr. was all good! My blood pressure was fine. Baby's heart rate was 145,,, "she" must have been sleeping! I measured 37 weeks which is totally normal!
So, I say this was good news at the Dr. because I DO NOT want to have this baby in March! I am sure I will make it to April but I guess you never know!
Just for the record,,, Jett was born ON HIS DUE DATE and Oakley was 10 days early! So, if I had to guess I would say I will have this baby the week of April 12th! (SWEET,,, I'll miss the DSTEP at work,,, I'm okay with that!)

Now, I am going to go to bed and as I drift off in to (weird) dreamland I will be praying for a GREAT epidural when the time comes!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Almost 34 weeks


Well, I still have a stuffy head and nose but I feel a LOT better! In fact, I felt really good this week. My back barely hurts and my other aches and pains have been totally bearable. I even made it to the Rec Gym THREE, yes, 3 days this week! I can do the elliptical for about 20 minutes, easy level 1 but I do push myself with a little speed. Then, I lifted some weights- arms and chest and did a few leg extensions on the cybex machine. It felt good to still be able to workout! Or should I say, to be "back in the gym" after 2+ weeks off!

I have my 34 week Dr. appt Tuesday the 9th,,, and then a 5 days weekend for Springbreak! I have no idea what I am going to do with my time off! Right now I am feeling like the word "lazy" is coming to mind but I am hopeful to do something FUN! Maybe I will go to Gillette to see my friends that NEVER come see me! :)