Saturday, August 13, 2011

My big girl!

 I have to say, I am sssooo happy and blessed to have a daughter! I think back to before I even got pregnant with her and how badly I wanted a GIRL!  When I found out I was pregnant for a third time I hoped and prayed for a girl but was preparing myself for a boy, just in case! 
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my boys but having a girl now is the icing on the cake!  She is AWESOME! I love to notice the differences between her and the boys!  They are all boy! And she is ALL GIRL! She loves to "make Cookies" with her two different cookie toy puzzles and she is a cooking queen with her kitchen toys!  She plays with her baby, hugging, patting, rocking and kissing baby all the time. It's so adorable to watch!
She also listens quite well, sometimes better than her brothers! She is great at cleaning up, picking up her toys and she loves to throw things away,,, sometimes things that aren't garbage!
Different than her brothers, she has quite an array of interesting facial expressions! She will show you if she is satisfied or displeased with the situation just by the look on her face!
One similarity to the boys is her ability to growl at toys that would appropriately growl, like the bear and the dinosaur!  Of coarse her brothers taught her this skill!

Here she is chillaxing on her brother's bear rug with her baby doll watching some Sesame Street!  Oh WOW, I love my baby girl!  She's perfect in every way!
almost 16 months old